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BUNDLE UP! Get 3 cards for $15 with code 3FOR15 Get 5 cards for $25 with code 5FOR25


What a Time to Be Alive

A few weeks ago I was the owner of a very busy & bustling little studio, and suddenly a record scratched and everything just... stopped. We're on day 20 of our COVID-19 quarantine, with no clear end in sight. 

We’re holding up okay so far. Like most of the rest of the country, Ohio has issued a stay-at-home order and I’ve been caretaking our two kids full time, but I’ve so far been able to get over to my studio for a few hours once or twice a week to pack up your orders (thank you!). I am going in and out alone, so there is no chance of contagion, but please bear with me as we are likely going to experience longer turnarounds than normal. 

We’ve added gift cards to the site, and I’m also offering free shipping on ALL orders for the duration of the crisis. During this time of social isolation, a card or gift in the mail can bring tangible love to a missed one.

I’ve been spending a lot of time the past couple of weeks going back and forth between totally anxious and freaking out, and feeling really hopeful and grateful. Nobody knows how this will all turn out, but you have no idea how much I really appreciate each and every order that comes in. Whatever happens, I’m forever grateful to each and every one of you for having supported my dreams this far.

All my love,